Due to increased volume and storage limitations, starting July 10th,
2023, we will be accessing storage fees on all incoming transfers,
Cerakote work, or gunsmithing. Items not picked up within 30 days of
customer being notified the item(s) is/are ready. This applies to
customers that were denied as a result of the 4473 background check
When your serialized item, or other item being worked on, is ready to
be picked up you will receive a phone call informing you that your
transfer is ready. If you are awaiting a transfer, please make sure
your voicemail is set up and able to receive messages. When the
firearm arrives, it will be processed into our system, this means that
while your tracking may say that the firearm has arrived at our
facility it will not be ready until we call you.
The customer will be expected to pick up their transfer within 10 days
of being contacted.
After 30 days, if the transfer has not been picked up the customer
will be assessed a daily storage fee of $10/day beginning on the 31st
After 60 days, if the firearm has not been picked up, the firearm will
be considered abandoned, and it will become the property of
R&R Tactical Design LLC, with no expectation of any further
compensation to the customer.
When your serialized item, or other item being worked on, is
completed, you will receive a phone call informing you that your
item(s) are ready for pick up.
The customer will be expected to come in and inspect the work done 30
days after being contacted.
After 30 days, if the serialized item, or other item being worked on,
has not been picked up the customer will be assessed a daily storage
fee of $10/day beginning on the 31st day.
After 60 days, if the serialized item, or other item being worked on,
has not been picked up, the items in question will be considered
abandoned, and it will become the property of R&R Tactical, LLC, with
no expectation of any further compensation to the customer.